Responsive image
Date 2022-12-24 23:30

I run another blog that is built using Hugo using the "personal-site" theme.

Basically, I use "sections" to create custom lists of posts on that blog. However, they weren't paginating with this theme.

I found a way to make it happen.

I created a section with a file in a subdirectory, however, pagination wasn't working.

The initial content of the layouts/_default/list.html is:

{{ define "main" }}
     {{ partial "hero" . }}
     <div class="feed">
          {{- if .Content }}
          <div class="page block">
               {{ with .Content }}<div class="page__content{{ if not $.Title }} page__content--notitle{{ end }}">{{ . }}</div>{{ end }}
          {{- end }}
          {{ range .Pages }}
               {{ .Render "summary" }}
          {{ end }}
     {{ partial "pagination.html" . }}
{{ end }}

I change the line {{ range .Pages }} to {{ range .Paginator.Pages }} and then added Paginate = 5 in the config.toml file:

baseURL                       = ""
languageCode                  = "en-us"
title                         = "my blog"
theme                         = "personal-site"
summaryLength                 = 10
uglyurls                      = true
toc                           = false # Enable Table of Contents
canonifyURLs                  = true
Paginate                      = 5

That's it!

I hope someone else finds this useful.


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